Is a half-sister to winners of:
15th Nat. and 23rd Internat. Narbonne against 10,421b.
36th Nat. and 87th Internat. Barcelona against 15,981b.
40th Nat. Narbonne ’17 – 30th Internat. Narbonne yearbirds ’17 – 34th Internat. Narbonne yearbirds ‘16 - 88th Nat. Narbonne’16
Father: “Blauwe Coos” – original van Houten C.
Is father to the above noted toppers
Born out proven breeders “NL11-5010300” x “NL09-2007909”
Mother: “NL14-1358176”
Is a full sister to winners of:
6th Nat. and 13th Internat. Agen ’16 against 11,826b. - 97th Nat. and 237th Internat. Agen ’18 against 13,325b.
Is a half-sister to winners of:
15th Nat. and 27th Internat. Barcelona ’19 against 15,981b.
Granddaughter to base breeder “Zwarte Lourdes”:
1st National St.Vincent ’06 against 16,621b.