4 Club Bourges 494b. 443km
7 Nat(z) Bourges 1,709b.
62 Prov. Bourges 4,433b.
218 Nat. Bourges 18,729b.
11 Club Argenton 318b. 520km
51 Nat(z) Argenton 1,710b.
488 Nat. Argenton 17,210b.
18 Montoire 375b. 412km
86 Prov. Montoire 5,019b.
Father: “Son New Belgian Pride” B15-3150348
Direct son “New Belgian Pride” x “Daughter Nuno”
“New Belgian Pride” B14-3027025 won:
1st National Ace KBDB Marathon 2015 year birds
1st Nat. Libourne 5,890b. (fastest 10,901b.)
3rd International Agen 4,485b.
“Daughter Nuno” B14-3027165
Full sister to 1st Nat (z) and 1st Prov. Bourges 2,101b.
Full sister to “Faris”: 5th Nat. Brive 5,286b. - 24th Nat. Montauban 3,990b. – 68th Nat. La Souterraine 11,236b.
Mother: “Daughter Nestbrother Sonia”
B18-3128971 – original Clicque Gino
Born out “Nest-brother Sonia”x “Granddaughter
Golden Prince”
“Nest-brother Sonia” won:
4 x 1st prize – 3rd Nat. Chateauroux 8,640b. - 11th Nat. Bourges 20,284b. – 26th Nat. Argenton 11,823b.
Is the nest-brother to 6th Nat. ace KBDB “Sonia”