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Walter Mertens ( Mol ) 1st Int.Nat Agen old birds ( fastest of all 29.668 birds )

01 Jul 2023

The 1st international race for old birds and yearlings is Agen, according to annual tradition. No fewer than 29,668 pigeons started and due to the favorable conditions, the pigeons were released on Friday morning. The winner in Belgium is Walter Mertens from Mol in Antwerp, who entered just 3 pigeons from Agen. These were 3 old hens that won 1st, 19th and 62nd National against 5,851 old birds. His first arrival was at 19h29 and this hen therefore not only takes care of the 1st National Agen in Belgium but also the 1st International Agen old birds and fastest pigeon of all 29,668 pigeons. A super performance from a small colony with barely 3 pigeons in the basket. The winner is no stranger to winning because her father won 1st National (z) Chateauroux and her grandfather won 1st National Orange in 2012. For Walter this means his 2nd National victory of his career.

With hens now the focus on widowhood

The racing hens are housed in a garden loft with about 30 pigeons at the start. These do winter breeding in 2 groups. The 1st group is coupled and raises a round of youngsters, then the 2nd group is coupled, which is then together with the 3rd round of its youngsters. They all have a fixed box with a fixed partner, so in the beginning most cocks have 2 hens. Jealousy is played on here because the first hen is put half box for motivation and then the 2nd hen comes in and sees this all happen. When they return home they can take turns with the cocks, but never for very long, one hour is 
already a lot as a reward.

The loft therefore consists of a resting loft with small trays and rollers on the floor, the small trays can also be closed if the hens become too eager to pair. Next to it is a breeding loft that completely shields the boxes by means of a roller system so that the hens cannot see the boxes for a whole week. They are allowed to eat in that loft after training and then they move back to the resting loft.

The hens train twice a day and are still doing very well. They get 50% Super Diet and 50% Sport at the beginning of the week. Afterwards, the switch is made to 100% Sport (here 4 different types are mixed together). During the week there is nothing about the food, only electrolytes are ready when you return home. The water is soured with kitchen vinegar during the week and this almost every day.

BE 21-6210641 Checkered Hen

1st Int.Nat Agen old birds ( fastest of all 29.668 birds )
1st National Agen 5.851 old birds ( fastest of 12.530 birds )

Clocked : 19:29:28
Distance : 867,041km
Velocity : 1285,52 m/min

Father BE 15-6086441 De Gert – Gert Huysmans
Won 1ste Nat (z) Chateauroux 

Gr.F. BE 09-6084856 Superbreeder - Gert Huysmans x Maurits Voets
Gr.M. BE 11-3121078 Top breeding hen– 100% John Meurysse 

Mother BE 14-6103360 Daughter Orange

Gr.F. BE 09-6085019 Dark Orange
                Won 1st National Orange 4.450p – 1 Vierzon 474p – 6 Chateauroux 274p -
                7 Chateauroux 203p - 8 Argenton 323p – 9 Chateauroux 379p.
                Son from “077/04” 2 Prov Chateauroux x “988/08” Daughter 10 Hooyberghs Gebr.
Gr.M. BE 12-6030007 Blue – Ace Molse Fondclub – Roger Penasse