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First national race youngsters on 07-8-2023 Bourges 454 km.

09 Aug 2023

This Monday 07-08-2023 we raced very well on the first national race for our young birds on Bourges 454 km. We had 10 pigeons top 50 and our first pigeon won 2 Bourges against 774 p in club, and 19 NATIONAL against 19.379 pigeons.

BE 23-2112228 is a child out of son RUDY (Gaby Vandenabeele) x OLYMPIC GOLDEN GUSTA (bred by Boeckmans, raced by Herbots: 3rd Olympic Ace Pigeon All-Round & 6 NAT. Ace Pigeon KBDB All-Round)

Let's keep up the good work!