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BDS Speybroeck (Vinkt): 1st National Issoudun 12,349 yearbirds

26 Jun 2022


Vinkt: "It was the first time that "Fabio" was basketed for a national race" Dirk starts his story "and lo and behold... immediately bingo. "Fabio" came like an arrow out of the sky from Vinkt and did not hesitate for one second to register. As if the devil was at his heels. Whether he was specially motivated? Not that I know. As always, the widowers only received the nest dish in their nest box. Who knows, maybe something special happened during the week."
Team BDS/Spreybroeck is in fact a trio and is formed by building contractor Dirk Speybroeck, vet Piet Blancke and Bart Declercq. Their strain was built up with pigeons from Cools-Blancke , Joël Verschoot, Rudi Desaer, Jo Bauters and Jos Joosen. This trio also plays on the lofts of Piet Blancke , where they already enjoyed 1st National Agen and 1st National Narbonne and also at Bart Declercq where they play on the name of BDS/Declercq. The cooperation between the teams is ideal.  Proof of this is the distribution of the bred youngsters. At BDS/Speybroeck only cocks are weaned and the hens go to the lofts of BDS/Declercq. 


Winner "Fabio"

"Fabio" is of the smaller type and at the time of his victory had knocked 2 pins. It is a summer boy of 2021 which was only trained in his year of birth.   As preparatory races they flew this season 1 x Arras, 1 x Clermont, 1 x Fontenay, 1 x Chateaudun and 1 x Chateauroux. There is training 1 x per day, always in the evening.
On arrival at a race, the pigeons are given 3 to 4 feeds of protein-rich food. This is followed by 4 days of low-protein feed. The last 3 days are fed with an energy-rich mixture. The pigeons are given vitamins once a week through their drinking water.
As for the medical care, it is of course in the hands of Piet Blancke. Every 14 days there is a medical check. Last week during the separation of the sexes, they were treated against trichomonas by means of a pill. Against respiratory infections he planned to treat with a pill this week. After arrival of a race, the racing team is given an eye ointment.
As you can read, this trio has everything perfectly under control and say that yours truly, we have not yet seen the last of it.

Good luck Piet, Dirk and Bart


1st National Issoudun 12,349 yearbirds

Distance: 477km
Velocity: 1395.10 m/m



The lofts

Stefan Mertens