Argenton I Old Pigeons

Team Hooymans.BE (Mol): 1st Nat. Argenton 16,576 old birds - fastest of 34,249b.
"I really didn't see this one coming"...the first words of caretaker Gregory Bekaert (Team as he opened the gate at the driveway with the remote control. "Online, we saw that the pigeons were coming into central Antwerp and it was a goose-bump moment when we saw a pigeon storming all the way from the west towards the loft. Shortly afterwards, the Pas system's "beep" echoed through the Mol air and our name appeared at the top of the entry list. A person then subconsciously pinches himself in the arm to be sure that one is not dreaming but the many messages and phones that then follow shortly make you quickly realise that this is "real life"! "
Argenton 2024
For the 3rd year in a row we now get to drive towards Mol to go and congratulate Team for a national win. For those who could not remember it
2022: 1st National La Souterraine against 6,761 yearlings
2023: 1st National Libourne - fastest of 8,702 pigeons
2024: 1st National Argenton - fastest of 34,249 pigeons
A yes... before we forget. In 2020, Team also won 1st national Argenton, also the fastest of 42,847 pigeons or in other words, 4 national wins in 5 seasons. Who is doing better?
This national win was achieved by top cock "120" (NL22-8559120), a guy who knows damn well what performance is because last year he also won 1st Sermaises against 644 pigeons and crowned himself 10th national ace pigeon KBDB Fond yearling.
He won among others
20th National Libourne 4,822 pigeons
28th National Aurillac 6,512 pigeons
40th National Souillac 6,085 pigeons.
Gregory: "Given his performance last year, the "120" is in the team of long-distance pigeons. All pigeons are played with a home partner and they were paired in mid-March. After 5 days of breeding, the wife was removed from the loft and widowhood was a fact.
On 14/04 they flew their first Quievrain (138km) followed by 3 x Noyon (237km). Then they went 2 x towards Sermaises (389km) and then things went a bit wrong. The first Sermaises was a leaden one and the 2nd Sermaises did not run smoothly. I saw that the "confidence" was gone and the condition was declining. For that reason, vet Carlo Van Rompaey was consulted and on his advice doxycycline was administered for 10 days. The pigeons then flew Noyon again and Quievrain the following week to be at the release point of Argenton another weekend later. "When you hear that, you can only confirm that Gregory is a top caretaker
As generally known, Jan Hooymans (Kerkdriel) annually supplies the young pigeon team. The old/yearling racing team consists of 140 units (1/3 old and 2/3 yearling) and, as already mentioned, are all played with home partners.
The feed comes from Aidi. Feeding is done following the predetermined schedules. This win has motivated Gregory even more and we would not be surprised if we drive back up the driveway this year or next to go and congratulate them on another national win
Gregory and Jan, congratulations from the whole Herbots team
1st National Argenton 16,576 old birds
Fastest of 34,249b.
Distance: 575km
Velocity: 1,359.73 m/m
Stefan Mertens