Bourges IV Yearling & Old


  • 10 Aug 2023 00:00
  • 12 Aug 2023 00:00
  • Yearling & Old

Familie Timmermans-Poels - Schaffen: 1st Nat. Bourges 9,922 old + yearbirds - fastest of 30,250b.

1st National Bourges 9,922 old + yearbirds
Fastest of 30,250b.

Distance: 471km
Velocity: 1,576.08 m/m


National Bourges had a nice field of participants as 9,922 old and yearling pigeons were basketed in addition to the 20,328 youngsters. Fastest of all became "Louise" (B22-2088887) of family Timmermans-Poels from Schaffen. Chris Timmermans and Vanessa Poels are having a very strong season. The forme fairy clearly resides in their loft because the number of victories is already very close to 30 and - important to know - this with a team of 10 yearling hens and about 90 youngsters. Old/yearling cocks are not played. 
The start
Chris grew up among the pigeons, so to speak. Grandmother Josephine kept the pigeon club in Schaffen open for many years. Afterwards, Chris' parents also ran the place for a while. From the age of 12, our national winner was a "basketer" on duty and perhaps that is where the "feeling for pigeons in condition" was born and refined. 
After working in construction for a while, some eight years ago, Chris changed his professional life and became a self-employed shoemaker. "I have my workshop here at home but that doesn't mean I can spend much time on the pigeons. My shop opens at 10am and from 6.30am to 9.30am I can make time for my pigeons. In the evening, I then manage to go to the pigeon loft again. 
I consciously choose a limited racing team so that I can do everything necessary to get and keep them in condition. 
The basis of my colony was formed by pigeons from Christophe Van Horenbeeck & Carmen Stegen - Verreckt-Ariën (via Schwarze Thomas and Laser Günther), Willem de Bruijn via the late Casimir Reynders and Veulemans-Perilleux. 
The national winner comes directly from Eric Wattenberge of Lochristi. I have my own way of investing. I go through voucher sales and vouchers where there are few bids get my attention. I then check the results and sometimes you are amazed how hard some fanciers perform. In the same way, I came into contact with Eric and since a few years we exchange pigeons. 
Still on widowhood
The racing hens were paired in mid-February and were allowed to raise a nest. Before laying again, they were on widowhood. During widowhood, they spend the day in the adjoining aviary and at night they are locked up in their living box. The hens train only in the morning and are also fed only once. I use the mixtures of Natural, Anthoons and Mariman and like many, they are fed towards basketing. 
Medically, I keep a close eye on tricho and otherwise the medicine cabinet remains closed. If the results are good, cures are not necessary. For the rest, the known by-products like oils, brewer's yeast and Naturaline. 

Chris and Vanessa, congratulations from the whole Herbots team.


Stefan Mertens