Pigeon Bids Chris De Backer Februari 2025

10 Feb 14:00 -
19 Feb 14:00
10 Pigeons

Auction details

Chris Debacker has been a fix value in Belgian pigeon racing for many seasons. 

Every year the Debacker colony is good for some +30 first prizes 


1st General Champion KBDB West-Flanders 2024

In racing season 2024 he won 

42 x 1st prize 
 1 Prov Chateauroux 2749 yearbirds
1 Prov Bourges 1369 yearbirds, fastest of 2196
1 Prov Pontoise 10119 youngbirds
1 Prov Fontenay 2682 youngbirds

1 National Zone A2 Bourges 1284 yearbirds
1 National Zone A2 Argenton 1809 youngbirds
 Several nominations in the KBDB competition.

In racing season 2023 he won

45 x 1st prize and as highlights:
1st National champion KBDB Great middle distance old + yearbirds 2023
2nd National ace KBDB Great middle distance old birds ‘23
4th National ace KBDB Fond old birds ’23
4th National ace KBDB youngbirds GMD ‘23
5th, 15th, 21st National ace KBDB ½ Fond Youngbirds ‘23
6th National ace Great middle distance yearbirds ‘23


Especially for internet auction Pigeon Bids Chris bred and selected  youngsters from the very best his breeding loft has to offer. 

Lot 5

“Sister Isaac”




Is a full sister to “Isaac”, winner of:
3rd Provincial ace KBDB Great MiddleDistance 
1st Provincial Pontoise 5,321b.
4th Arras 779b. 
6th Pontoise 229b. (26th Prov. 5,526b.)
6th Argenton 280b. (15th Prov. 1,903b.) 
9th Argenton 564b. (20th Prov. 3,661b.) 
10th Bourges 220b. (34th Prov. 1,366b.) 
12th Chateauroux 858b. (27th Nat. 3,852b.)
23rd Bourges 515b. (52nd Prov. 3,256b.) 
73rd Prov. Argenton 4,149b. 
And so on


Father: “Nicko” B22-3026437
Is a full brother to:
“Guido Nick”: 
5th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB young birds ‘21
6th Prov. ace ½ Fond KBDB young birds ’21 
1st Prov. Fontenay 1,176b. 
2nd Prov. Chateaudun 4,422b. 
7th Prov. Montoire 3,334b. 
9th Prov. Chateaudun 3,635b. 
3rd Prov. Montoire 3,334b. 
2nd Clermont 305b. 
And so on
2nd Clermont 154b. 
2nd Clermont 581b. 
6th Clermont 724b. 
14th Clermont 399b. 
70th Prov. Pontoise 8,302b. 
And so on
“Nicko” is a son of the Golden Combination “son Salomez  x Janinne” x “daughter Georges x Mieke”


Mother: “Ella” B19-4185321 
Daughter world-famous “Porsche 911” (won 5th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance yearbirds – current base breeder at PEC) x “Daughter Staf” (sister to the father of “SeroSero” @ Maes A.)
The nest-mate of “Ella” bred in 2024:  
1st ace Shenzhou Huihang One Loft Race in China, the 2nd biggest One Loft Race in China, is won with a grandchild of "Porsche 911". 
The father is a son of "911" x co-breeding @Chris Debacker.

Lot 6

“Sister Ace”




Is a full sister to winner of:
5th Prov. ace KBDB Allround youngbirds
1st Clermont 857b. (1st Combine 1,570b.) 
3rd Clermont 234b. (5th Combine 467b.) 
9th Prov. Orleans 9,231b. 
31st Prov. Orleans 5,561b.
48th Prov. Montoire 4,105b. 
83rd Prov. Chateaudun 2,889b.


Father: “Fons” B20-3120554
Is a full brother to “Elody Ace”, winner of:
2nd National ace ½ Fond KBDB ’19 
1st Prov. ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019
“Fons” is son “Diego” (won: 15th Prov. Chateaudun 1,117b. – 24th Prov. Orleans 2,690b. – 56th Prov. Pontoise 14,427b.)  x “Sister Bobby” (Full sister to “Bobby” (3rd, 4th and 8th Prov. ace winner) “Boy George” (19th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’20)  
“Castor” (1st Prov. Fontenay 9,803b. – 3rd Prov. ace ½ Fond KBDB)  
“Dean” (3rd Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond) “Grobby ( 8th Prov. and 29th Nat. ace KBDB  ½ Fond youngbirds ’21)
“Fons” is a son of the Golden Combination “son Salomez x "Janinne” x “daughter Georges x Mieke”


Mother: “Gijsje” B20-3120557
Is a full sister to 
3rd Prov. Chateaudun 4,645b. 
5th Nat. Chateauroux 7,099b. 
4th Prov. Chateaudun 1,923b.
“Gijs Boy”: 
1st Clermont 328b. 
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
6th Clermont against 2,848b. 
27th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond 2024
1st Prov. Chateaudun 1,923b. 
3rd Prov. Chateaudun 1,923b.
1st Clermont
1st Fontenay
6th Prov. Argenton 4,299b. 
8th Prov. Chateaudun 1,923b. 
and so many more top winning birds
Born out “Alfred-Staf” x “Daughter Gijs” (original Willem de Bruijn)

Lot 9

“Special One”




Is a half-brother, same father, to winners of:
2nd Prov. ace KBDB Allround 2024
14th Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond yearbirds 2023
1st Toury 577b. (17th Prov. 16,393b.)
2nd Fontenay 229b. (29th Prov. 5,482b.)
4th Prov. Chateaudun 7,278b. 
4th Fontenay 1,128b.
4th Prov. Chateaudun 4,007b. 
7th Fontenay 1,790b.
8th Fontenay 2,232b. 
10th Clermont 1,824b. 
And so on


Father: “Diego Bobby” B20-3106669
“Diego Boy” is a son of the Golden Combination “son Salomez x Janinne” x “daughter Georges x Mieke”

Is a full brother to “Elody Ace”, winner of:
1st Prov. and 2nd National ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘19
Direct daughter “Diego” (won: 15th Prov. Chateaudun 1,117b. – 24th Prov. Orleans 2,690b. – 56th Prov. Pontoise 14,427b.)  x “Sister Bobby” (Full sister to “Bobby” (3rd, 4th and 8th Prov. ace winner) - “Boy George” (19th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’20)  - “Castor” (1st Prov. Fontenay 9,803b. – 3rd Prov. ace ½ Fond KBDB)  - “Dean” (3rd Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond) “Grobby ( 8th Prov. and 29th Nat. ace KBDB  ½ Fond youngbirds ’21)


Mother: “Sister Guiseppe” B21-3076726
Is a full sister to “Guiseppe”, winner of:
1st National ace KBDB Small Middle distance YB 2021
6th Chateaudun 3,635b 
6th Fontenay 2,549b. 
7th Chateaudun 2,333b. 
17th Brionne 8,825b.
17th Fontenay 4,412b.
“Guiseppe” is father to “Iseppe” BE23-3064110 won:
1st Bourges 1,366b. (20th  Nat. 9,654b.) 
3rd Chateaudun 196b. (49th Provincial 5,161b.) 
41st Toury 7,756b. 
49th Chateaudun 5,161b. 
88th Fontenay 5,728b.
Is a granddaughter “Salomez x Janinne”