The strong breeding base of the Huub Hermans birds
20 Jan 2025
Huub Hermans has been living almost his entire live in Born. Married to his lovely wife Diana and a daughter Saskia. His daughter finished studying as a graduate Biology. Huub himself still works 3 days a week in the ITC business at a local government in Limburg. And wife Diana is a nurse in several nursing homes and helps taking care of the entire colony pigeons.
‘Via neighbour Pierre de Bruijn I got at a very young age in contact with pigeon sport.’, tells Huub, ‘As a kid of about 5, 6 years I had a couple of fancy pigeons, chickens and canaries. Seen the fancy pigeons flew around, what my neighbour didn’t like that much, I got from him my first real racing pigeons. In 1977 my neighbour past away and I could take over some pigeons and pigeon stuff and this is when it all started for me in my pigeon career.’
Pigeon history
The first year as a youthful pigeon fancier I didn’t win that much, but this changed in 1982/1983 when I got to know the big champion Thei Bours from Elsloo. We got really close which resulted in a weekly visit on Saturday mornings at his place in Elsloo. Also several breeders, youngsters and eggs came totally free of charge from Elsloo to Born. Thei Bours won in his career 24 provincial victories and became winner to more than one care race and also the national winner from the Olympiad race out of Montargis in 1994.
I also had a lot of success to the 2 pigeons that I got as a youth member from Lei Zinken from Overhoven/Sittard. Both pigeons won as youngster a 1st price in the union and turned out to be amazing breeders as well and they fit really well to the Van Loon pigeons from Thei Bours.
In the nineties some pigeons from Jo van Deurzen from Roermond out of his famous breeding couple also came to my loft. Out of this breeding couple 2 children won the 1st and 4th National Ace bird Middle Distance (named ‘Natascha’ and ‘Ricardo’ which was later sold to Mike Ganus out of the US and became over there one of his base breeders) in Holland, raced at Jo van Deurzen. Later some more pigeons were bought at Dirk van Dyck in Belgium and at Pieter Veenstra.
At the moment my strain of pigeons exist for 80% out of the Van Loon pigeons (via Thei Bours), accomplished with the above mentioned strains, Dirk van Dyck, Jo van Deurzen (Natascha-strain) and Pieter Veenstra.
In Winter there are about 28 breeding couples and about 32 racing cocks and about 40 racing hens. The racing team is being raced on the widowhood system so their partner always stay home, this is why I have during Winter time more pigeons on my loft (230 pigeons).
For own use I breed about 80 early youngsters and 40 late youngsters for the Autumn races. Next to these I breed some rounds for 2 pigeons shows, one is the show in Kassel in Germany and the other is Sosnowic in Poland. I’ve been attending both shows for over 10 years now. The most beautiful thing about is that others succeed with my pigeons and I must say that the references of the past 10 years are really amazing and already gave national ace birds, national and provincial winner, Olympiad birds and winners on the OLR’s over the entire world.
National and Provincial TOP-10 results periode: 2010 - 2024:
4 NPO and 11 NPO Sens 363 km 6,005 b. in 2024
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km 1,576 b. in 2024
6 National Issoudun 532 km sector 1B 3,053 b. in 2024
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km 766 b. in 2024
21 National Bordeaux 831 km 7,819 b. in 2024
3 NPO Issoudun 532 km 3,249 b. in 2023
4 NPO Limoges 662 km 1,506 b. in 2023
4 NPO Sens 363 km 10,653 b. in 2023
7 NPO Issoudun 532 km 1,343 b. in 2023
8 NPO Limoges 662 km 1,506 b. in 2023
2 NPO Melun 344 km 11,596 b. in 2022
4 NPO Lorris 423 km 2,482 b. in 2022
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km 4,228 b. in 2022
7 NPO Melun 344 km 11,596 b. in 2022
1 NPO Argenton 587 km 2,939 b. in 2021
4 NPO Melun 344 km 13,978 b. in 2021
5 NPO Orleans 446 km 1,494 b. in 2021
6 NPO Orleans 446 km 1,494 b. in 2021
10 NPO Troyes 329 km 3,546 b. in 2021
1 NPO Bergerac 793 km 2,055b. in 2020
7 Limburg Totaal Chalons en Champagne 254 km 11,886b. in 2020
9 NPO Issoudun 532 km 7,587b. in 2020
Championships 2024:
8 times 1st price in District Sittard (55 fanciers)
1 times 1st price in Vlieggebied Midden Limburg (220 fanciers)
1st Loftchampion Middle Distance SPC Sittard
1st and 5th General Ace pigeon SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion Sprint SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion One Day Races SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion Youngsters SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion One Days Races Fondclub Midden Limburg
2nd, 3th and 4th Ace pigeon Middle Distance SPC Sittard
4th General Champion Vlieggebied Midden Limburg
5th Loftchampion Middle and One day Races Vlieggebied Midden Limburg
6th Loftchampion Middle Distance Afdeling Limburg
4 NPO and 11 NPO Sens 363 km Afdeling Limburg against 6.005 p.
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km Afdeling Limburg against 1.576 p.
6 National Issoudun 532 km sector 1B against 3.053 p.
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km Afdeling Limburg against 766 p.
21 National Bordeaux 831 km against 7.819 p.
Championships 2023:
10 times 1st price in District Sittard (55 fanciers)
5 times 1st price in Vlieggebied Midden Limburg (220 fanciers)
2nd Loftchampion Middle Distance SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion One Day Races SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion Youngsters SPC Sittard
2nd Loftchampion One Days Races Fondclub Midden Limburg
2nd Ace pigeon Middle Distance SPC Sittard & MS-2021
3th Ace pigeon Middle Distance Afdeling Limburg
2 Provincial Rethel 198 km 6858 p.
3 NPO Issoudun 532 km 3249 p.
4 NPO Limoges 662 km 1506 p.
4 NPO Sens 363 km 10.653 p.
7 NPO Issoudun 532 km 1343 p.
8 NPO Limoges 662 km 1506 p.
Championships 2022:
9 times 1st price in District Sittard (55 fanciers)
1st Loftchampion Middle Distance SPC Sittard
1st Loftchampion One Day Races SPC Sittard
1st Loftchampion One Day Races MS-2021
2nd Loftchampion Middle Distace Wefo Limburg
3th Loftchampion One Day Races Wefo Limburg
3th Loftchampion One Days Races Fondclub Midden Limburg
2nd Loftchampion Middle Distance Afdeling Limburg
6th Loftchampion One Day Races Afdeling Limburg
1st Ace pigeon Middle Distance SPC Sittard & MS-2021
6th Ace pigeon Middle Distance Afdeling Limburg
2nd & 9th Ace pigeon One Day Races Fondclub Midden Limburg
2 NPO Melun 344 km 11.596 p. with Super Yearling NL21-1398349
4 NPO Lorris 423 km 2482 p. with Super Yearling NL21-1398369
6 NPO Issoudun 532 km 4228 p. with Super Yearling NL21-1398349
7 NPO Melun 344 km 11.596 p. with Super Yearling NL21-1398369
The pigeons are not only performing at his own loft – Huub Hermans receives a lot of references from all over the world!
- 3 x Olympic Pigeons with Huub Hermans bloodline on the Olympic Poznan 2018
- 1 & 19. Nat. young acebird Hungary 2018 by Ferenc Pintér (Hungary) with grandchild TT couple and Olympic Pigeon!
- 2 pigeons at Ljubivoje Markovic Austria (grandchild Super 006 & Blue Magic) on Olympic Poznan !!!
- 1 National Young Acepigeon Slovakia Cat. F 2011 by Milan Blahovski (Slovakia): Line Super 015 & Super 006
- 1 National Acepigeon Polen Middle Distance Cat. B by Piotrowski Malgorzata & Marian Granddaughter Blue Magic wins in 2017 against 43.000 fanciers
- 1 National Bergen op Zoom 629 km 8.200 p. by Ivo Vogelsang (Germany) in 2015
- 1 Final Race 520 KM Nova Zagora OLR Bulgaria 2016 by Vasilis Pislinas (Greece): Bloodline TT couple
- 1 Final Race OLJEM KMPI 2018 by Baiim Chan Indonesia: Bloodl. Super 015 in ‘18
- 2 Final Victoria Falls World Challenge by Peter Jendrichovsky (Slovakia): Bloodline Blue Magic in 2018
- 4 National Orleans Youngsters by Leon van Hintum (Netherlands): Grandchild Blue Magic in 2018
- 3 National Budel 546 km 8617 p. by Frank und Dieter Hundstein (Germany) in 2016
- 2 NPO Mont Lucon by Jos Goessen with grandson Blue Magic in 2018
- 4 National Chateauroux 600 km 27.656 p. by J. van Denzen with grandson TT Couple in 2018
- 3 Provincial Peronne Afdeling 5 260 km 16.000 p. by Michel Terlouw with grandchild Super 006 in 2019
- 1 NPO Vierzon 566 km Afd. 3 (5 National 8.582 p.) and 2 NPO Chateauroux 619 km Afd. 3 (8 National 7.503 p.) by Leon van Hintum with 50 % Huub Hermans
- 1 National Tokmak 1005 km 11.300 p. by Poenaru Constantin and Calin Razvan Romania: bloodline Blue Magic, Super 006 & Super 015 – 100 % Huub Hermans 1 National Romenia in 2019 !!!
- Leon van Hintum, Berghem Afdeling 3 did win the 1st Ace pigeon youngsters Afdeling 3 in 2020. The winner is direct from son Teletext couple paired with granddaughter Teletext couple.
- Kris Cleirbaut, Putte (Belgium) did win 12th national youngsters on the 4 national races youngsters in 2020. Father is a direct son of my famous Teletext breedingcouple.
- 1st World Best Pigeon 2020 Allround Netherlands by Comb, Schuurman – Wapenveld with father is grandson Blue Magic with Kannibal line
- Ferenc Pinter – Gyal (Hungary) wins 1st National Liberec against 2.105 pigeons with father is son of Magic Surprise in 2021
- Leon van Hintum – Berghem in Afdeling 3 did win 10th National Ace Youngsters of “The National Competition De Allerbeste 2021” with grandchild TT couple (inbred TT Couple) in 2021
- Jan de Werd – Herwijnen wins 4th NPO Libourne 881 km against 2750 p. and 10th National Libourne against 32.404 p. with granddaughter of Blue Magic in 2021
- 1st price Bawen 428 km 940 p. SSR LLB by Tjin Sudivanto Avi with granddaughter TT Couple in 2021
- 1st and 2nd price race of 538 km by Mr. Widjoj Goenanto from Jakarta, both bloodline Super 015 and Blue Magic in 2021
- 1st Super pigeon Allround Republik Lang Lang Buana by Mr. Tjin-CBF loft with bloodline Super 006 and Super 015. 3th Super pigeon Allround is bloodline inbred Blue Magic in 2021
- 1st Ace-pigeon Natour Kring 1 Noord-Oost Afdel. 8 by Comb. Schuurman – Wapenveld with with father is grandson Blue Magic with Kannibal line in 2021
- 3th World Best FCI Marathon Pigeon by Rafal Pasón & Andrzej Smerdzynski Poland with 50 % Bloodline Super 015 and Blue Magic in 2021
- Peter Jendrichovsky from Slovakia did win the 1st place in the semi-final Costa del Sol Winter race with “PG Magvia 21-362”: 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans (inbred Blue Magic) and Gaby Vandenabeele in 2022
- 2 NPO Melun 3349 p. Afd. 3 by Leon van Hintum with grandson Magic Kratos in ‘22
- 6 NPO Chateaudun 461 km 4974 p. Afdeling 2 by Team Patagoon Zuid 100 & bloodline Blue Magic & Magic Kratos in 2022
- 1 NPO Saulieu 669 km 3371 p. by M.M. Rittersma with bloodline Blue Magic in 2022
- 1st National and best long distance and allround hen interprovincial in 2022 by my friend Ferenc Pinter in Hungary. She is a granddaughter of my Magic Surprise.
- my polish friends Artur & Daniel Kinder from Opole.
- 3th place Olympic pigeon Polen Cat. E and 6th place Europe on the Olympiade in Romenia in 2022 by my polish friends Artur & Daniel Kinder Opole (Polen). Bloodline Super 015 and Teletext Breedingcouple
- 1st prize 287 km Derby Kamikaze, 1st prize 401 Km FINAL DERBY KAMIKAZE and 1 st ACE Pigeon DERBY KAMIKAZE in 2022 by the same pigeon Blue Kamikaze Magic by Ali Hussein (Turkye). Father is inbred of my worldfamous Teletext Couple, direct from the inbred Kannibal paired with his own daughter Miss Magic 888 !!!
- 1st National and best long distance and allround hen interprovincial in ’22 by Ferenc Pinter (Hungary) by a granddaughter of Magic Surprise.
- 2nd and 3th National Ace pigeon Youngsters in Austria by my friend Ljubivoje Markovic (Austria) with 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans in 2023
- 1st Grootmeester Natour Chimay Old Pigeons Afdeling 3 and 6 Prov. Chimay by Leon van Hintum, Berghem in 2023
- 9 NPO Mettet Afdeling 9 11.302 p. by Henk Heinneman (Ruurlo) with bloodline Blue Magic and Teletext couple in 2023.
- 1st National Petange 785 km in Austria by Ljubivoje and Sandra Markovic in 2023 with 100 % bloodline Huub Hermans, Super 015 and inbred Blue Magic.
- 1st Interprovincial of Radeburg 589 km 4000 p. with a granddaughter of Magic Surprise by Ferenc Pinter, Hungary.
- 4th NPO Sens by Comb. Robbeson Ettenleur afd. 2 against 7140 p. 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans
- 2nd Final & 9. King of Sprint Derby Arona in ‘23 by A. & V. Sadlak bloodline Blue Magic
- 1st Moson against 3128 p. by Ferenc Ködmön (Hungary) with inbred Magic Kannibal in ‘23
- 7th Prov. Weert against 18.265 p. by Comb. Hoekstra-Evers, Kootsterlille Afd. 11 in ‘23
- 1 Nat. OLYMPIC PIGEON SPORT D ROMANIA 2022-2023 with his Olympic Boss 784 by Sami Nagy. The mother is a granddaughter of my worldfamous Teletext Breedingcouple
- 1 and 2 Nat. Olympic Pigeon Sport F Austria 2023 won by my friend Ljubivoje Markovic (Austria) with 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans
- 1st place Hotspot 4 250 KM and 6th place Final 505 km OLR Sliven Bulgaria by Vasilis Pislinas (Greece): Bloodline TT couple in 2023
9 NPO Mettet Afdeling 9 11.302 p. by Henk Heinneman (Ruurlo) with bloodline Blue Magic and Teletext couple in 2023. - 1st National Petange 785 km in Austria by Ljubivoje and Sandra Markovic in 2023 with 100 % bloodline Huub Hermans, Super 015 and inbred Blue Magic.
- 1st Interprovincial of Radeburg 589 km 4000 p. with a granddaughter of Magic Surprise by Ferenc Pinter, Hungary.
- 4th NPO Sens by Comb. Robbeson Ettenleur afd. 2 against 7140 p. 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans
- 2nd Final & 9. King Sprint Derby Arona in ‘23 by A.&V. Sadlak bloodline Blue Magic
- 1st Moson against 3128 p. by Ferenc Ködmön (Hungary) with inbred Magic Kannibal in ‘23
- 7th Prov. Weert against 18.265 p. by Comb. Hoekstra-Evers, Kootsterlille Afd.11 in ‘23
- 1 Nat. OLYMPIC PIGEON SPORT D ROMANIA 2022-2023 with his Olympic Boss 784 by Sami Nagy. The mother is a granddaughter of my worldfamous Teletext Breedingcouple
- 1 and 2 Nat. Olympic Pigeon Sport F Austria 2023 won by my friend Ljubivoje Markovic (Austria) with 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans
- 1st National Ace pigeon in Bosnië-Herzegovina by Samir Lugonja with 50% bloodline Huub Hermans (Blue Magic, Teletext Couple and Super 015) in ‘24
- 1st Ace-pigeon Golden Classic Dordrecht raced by Michel Terlouw with 50 % Huub Hermans bloodline (Magic Kannibal and daughter Blauwe Kannibal Junior) in ‘24
- 2nd Ace SSR General LLB 2024 by Mr. Widjojo Goenanto (Indonesia) – bloodline Super 015 and Blue Magic (bloodline 75 % Huub Hermans) in ‘24
- 1st National Losice 902 km Roemenia by Viciu Marion with a 50 % Huub Hermans pigeon, direct from 7th National Bordeaux with superhen Nia in ‘24
- 3th NPO Charleville Afdeling 11 against 7225 p. by Binder Hoekstra (50 % Huub Hermans bloodline Teletext Couple) in ‘24
- 6th NPO Dizy le Gros Afdeling 9 against 7.175 p. by Jolanda and Andre Kniest (100 % bloodline Huub Hermans – Teletext Couple) in ‘24
- 1st prize final race Indonesia Lang Lang Buana 1145 km by Joy Loft, Widjojo Goenanto (Indonesia) with a 75 % Huub Hermans bloodline in ‘24
- 1st Mikolow against 4.326 pigeons by Lukasz Wszolczyk – Lipka (Polen) with grandchild Magic Kratos in ‘24
- 9th NPO Bressols 858 km Afdeling 4 by Albert Frische with 100 % bloodline Huub Hermans (Blue Magic and Miss Magic Argenton) in ‘24
- 1st National Slovakia 725 km against 2.725 p. by Policacek L+S, bred by Roman Kluciarik with 50 % bloodline Huub Hermans – Teletext Breedingcouple in ‘24
On internet auction Pigeon Bids Huub offers a select group of topbirds all born out his famous breeders
This auction ends Wednesday 22 January at 2 p.m. (c.e.t.)