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Huub Hermans wins 1st NPO Argenton Province Limbourg 2021

08 Jun 2021

Huub Hermans of Born won the tough Argenton race with a 1st NPO over 585km with 3 minutes and 15 seconds difference with number 2.

This hen also won a 9th NPO in Issoudun last year.

In addition, Huub Hermans also won a great result in this Argenton race, namely:

1st - 19th - 20th - 73rd - 86th - 139th - 214th - 643rd and 659th price against 2939 pigeons in Province Limbourg and Huub had 14 pigeons raced, including 12 hens and 2 cocks.

Last Sunday, this hen won the 54th provincial against 1654 P. in the difficult Limoges 661 km with speeds of around 60 km per hour. (So travelled more than 1200 km in 7 days and on the two flights with headwind).