
Nihoul Aldobrand (Laplaigne): 1st National Argenton 8,777 old birds

08 Jul 2023

1st National Argenton 8,777 old birds

Distance: 459km
Velocity: 1,536.16 m/m

Honestly we had to google the place name "Laplaigne" to know which direction to drive to go and congratulate the national winner Argenton old. Fortunately, "Google maps" knows everything and after a good hour's drive we were at the neat Nihoul family home. There in the perfectly maintained garden we found winner Aldo again, who began to tell about the Argenton exploit of his blue cock "B20-1060051" with pride in his voice. "14 days ago, also at Argenton, he also won the 5th prize locally, so he had got the forme"

Aldo has been obsessed with pigeon racing since his youth. His late father Albert was his teacher and provided the basis of his current colony. "Dad's pigeons remain to this day as a thread running through the strain of my colony" says Ado "over the years it was strengthened with pigeons from Frédéric Beukenne (Bruyelle) and Leturcq Danny (Wadelincourt). Give me the game with the widowers. I have 3 departments housing 16 old and 14 yearling cocks. In fact, my widowers are also my breeders because every year they provide me with a round of youngsters to play with. I only have about 10 breeders and these are still with a friend. 
As already mentioned, I have 3 departments for the widowers and each department has a different interior. This makes "wrong flying" to fight somewhere almost impossible. 
I limit myself to playing with the widowers because I want to do everything very perfectly" and we can only confirm that because when we went into the lofts you could eat off the floor, there was not a plank wrong and everything was very thoroughly cleaned, not a speck of dust anywhere.
"Twice a day they are allowed to train and grooming is done strictly but without much tralala. Rearing with quality feed, vitamins twice during the week and electrolytes on return home to aid recovery. The vet is only visited for the obligatory vaccinations. Before the season the pigeons are set free from tricho, coxi and ornithosis. During the season, treatment is only given if things do not work out, but if the pigeons fly head-to-head, the medicine cabinet remains closed anyway.
National winner Argenton is "B20-1060051". This widower has not yet received a name and when asked if he was specially motivated, Aldo could not give a concrete answer. "As always, he briefly saw his hen at basketing, but other than that I didn't notice anything. 
I'm glad I saw him coming. Not an inch wrong, straight out of the hole. Goosebumps moment"
Aldo, on behalf of the whole Herbots team congratulations on this national win 



Stefan Mertens