Father is a grandson to PRINCE RUDY & DEVIL PRINCE
BE20-3016064 is father of:
2° Club Argenton 1075p.
3° Prov Argenton 5555p.
65° Nat Argenton 22689p.
116° Prov Montoire 3730p.
86° Prov Gueret 2226p.
5° Club Fontenay 317p.
BE20-3016064 is Grfather of:
BE22-3018543 (Lode Verschuere)
9° Club Clermont 328p.
4° Club Montoire 411p.
21° Prov Montoire 3780p.
4° Club Argenton 1075p.
13° Prov Argenton 5555p.
150° Nat Argenton 22869p.
BE22-3018569 (Lode verschuere)
124° Prov Argenton 4100p.
230° Prov Chateauroux 3606p.
Mother is a granddaughter to GOLDEN PRINCE