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Proven breeder ! Is father to: 1st Prov. ace Short Distance KBDB 20233rd Prov. ace Short Distance KBDB 20234th Prov. ace Short Distance KBDB 202217th National ace KBDB Short Distance 2023
Winners of: 1/372b. 1/220b. 1/194b. 1/185b.1/185b. 1/126b. 1/124b. 1/110b. 2/1,413b. 2/826b. 2/311b. 2/419b. 2/285b. 2/262b. 3/383b. 4/1,697b. 4/1,459b.4/801b. 5/961b.5/801b.And so on
Son and grandson world-famous “Best Kittel”“Best Kittel” B15-1029362 won:1st Nat. ace KBDB short distance ‘174th Nat. ace KBDB short distance ‘16“Best Kittel” is father to:“Best Kittel II”: 1st Nat ace KBDB sprint ’20 yearbirds“Junior”: 2nd Nat ace KBDB sprint ’18 yearbirds
Is a half-brother, same mother, to Olympiad bird UK Cat. A - Sprint 2022
Is father to winners of:1st St. Soupplets 202b. 3rd St. Soupplets 418b. 5th St. Soupplets 194b. 5th Vervins 194b. 8th St. Soupplets 383b. And so on
Father: “Best Kittel II” B19-4130060Won: 1st National ace KBDB short distance 2020Is father to: 2nd and 3rd National ace KBDB short distance 20221st/2,636b. 1st/2,322b. 1st/2,261b. 1st/1,981b. 1st/1,981b. 1st/1,899b. 1st/1,377b. 1st/1,363b. 1st/1,253b. 1st/860b. Born out “Best Kittel” x “Sister Olympic Rosita”“Best Kittel” B15-1029362 won:1st Nat. ace KBDB short distance ‘174th Nat. ace KBDB short distance ‘16“Best Kittel” is father to:“Best Kittel II”: 1st Nat ace KBDB sprint ’20 yearbirds“Junior”: 2nd Nat ace KBDB sprint ’18 yearbirds“Sister Olympic Rosita” B12-6323966 – Van den BulckFull sister to Olympiad bird “Olympic Rosita”.“Olympic Rosita” is mother to “De Kittel”,“Greipel”, “Gold Dust”, and so on
Mother: “B21-4202173Is mother to “238-22”: 14th Nat. ace KBDB short distance ‘221/1,447b. 3/1,063b. 4/966b. 4/853b. 5/1,540b.6/2,321b.“715-24”: 1/811b. 1/275b. 9/874b. 12/842b. Born out “Best Kittel” (all info see above) x “Angelina”(full sister to “Kittel” – Van den Bulck)
Is mother, to winners of:3rd Guise 367b. 5th St. Soupplets 799b. 8th St. Soupplets 202b. 37th Soissons 1,801b. 53rd Soissons 1,697b.
Father: “Junior” B17-1019414 – original Dehon-DumonseauWon: 2nd National ace KBDB Short Distance 20185 x 1st – 2 x 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 9th against average 700b. Bred in 2 generations – on different loft world-wide:1st/3,541b. 1st/1,433b. 1st/1,267b. 1st/736b.3rd HS and 6th, 7th and 43rd Final OLR Victoria Falls 202112th, 15th and 27th Super Ace OLR Victoria Falls Born out “Best Kittel” (1st Nat. ace KBDB Short Distance) x “Mother Junior”
Mother: “Sister Best Kittel II” B18-4202464
Descendants won:
1st Ace OLR Thailand Masters 2024 against + 5,000b. and also on different lofts world-wide
1/3,633b.1/1,175b. 1/819b. 1/468b. 1/465b.1/157b. 2/12,983b. And so on
Is a full sister to:
1st Nat ace KBDB sprint ’20 yearbirds
Daughter 1st Nat. ace KBDB “Best Kittel” x “SisterOlympic Rosita”
2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021) - Oradea1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB old birds ‘21
Won - no doubles – 19 prizes – 19 x 1/10 - 12 x 1/100:
1st St. Soupplets against 2,032b. (208km)
1st Soissons against 1,299b. (150km)
1st Toury against 891b. (323km)
5th Combine Toury against 3,479b.
1st St. Soupplets against 853b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 693b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 526b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 304b. (208km)
3rd St. Soupplets against 925b. (208km)
3rd St. Soupplets against 338b. (208km)
3rd St. Soupplets against 230b. (208km)
4th St. Soupplets against 1,132b. (208km)
4th St. Soupplets against 270b. (208km)
5th St. Soupplets against 489b. (208km)
8th Melun against 728b. (250km)
9th Soissons against 1,149b. (150km)
10th St. Soupplets against 1,302b. (208km)
And so on
Father: “Athos” B18-2120283Born out “Clyde 018” (is a full brother to: “Lola”: 1st Nat. Argenton - “Gallas”: 2nd Ace WENC Fond “Gamin”: 1st Bourges, 2nd Prov. Tours 2,055b. - “Gimondi”: top breeder) x “Barbara”(born out “full brother Yvan” (Herbots) x “Inbred Axl” (Hebberecht)
Mother: “B13-2159752”Daughter “De 832” (son “Le Gold” x “Gold Elisabeth”) x “Yvanova” (full sister “Yvan” – Herbots Gebr.)
Proven champion breeder!Is father to “Olympic Sweet Velvet”, winner of: 2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021) - Oradea1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB old birds ‘21
“Olympic Sweet Velvet” won8 x 1st prize against average 943b.2 x 2nd prize – 3 x 3rd prize – 2 x 4th prize – 1 x 5th prize – 46th National Tulle
Father: “Clyde 018” B10-2122018 – original Deno-HerbotsIs a full brother to: “Lola”: 1st National Argenton“Gallas”: 2nd Ace WENC Fond“Gamin”: 1st Bourges, 2nd Prov. Tours 2,055b.“Gimondi”: Top breederSon “Clyde” (B00-2102040) x “Christianne” (B05-2076731)
Mother: “Barbara” B11-2138275 – original AT Breeding Loft
Born out “Yvano” x “Gold Elizabeth”
“Yvano” B09-2100414 – original Deno-Herbots
Full brother to world-famous “Yvan” (1st and 4th Nat. ace KBDB)
“Gold Elizabeth” B07-2080079 – original AT Breeding Loft
100% Chris Hebberecht - Born out “Son Axl” x “Sister Axl”
“Axl”: 1st Nat. ace KBDB marathon 2015
Proven champion breeder!Is father to winners of:1st Iprov Argenton 1,497b. 1st St. Soupplets 310b. 2nd St. Soupplets 235b. 7th St. Soupplets 117b. 16th S-Nat. Sancoins 2,524b. And so on
Is a full brother to “Athos” “Athos” is the father of “Olympic Sweet Velvet”, winner of:2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021)1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance 20209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB ‘21“Athos” is also father to – inclusive doubles:8 x 1st prize against average 943b.2 x 2nd prize – 3 x 3rd prize – 2 x 4th prize – 1 x 5th prize – 46th National Tulle
Is the nest-brother to famous champion bird“Olympic Sweet Velvet”, winner of:2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021) - Oradea1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB old birds ‘21
Father: “Athos” B18-2120283Born out “Clyde 018” (is a full brother to: “Lola”: 1st Nat. Argenton - “Gallas”: 2nd Ace WENC Fond “Gamin”: 1st Bourges, 2nd Prov. Tours 2,055b. - “Gimondi”: top breeder) x “Barbara”(born out “full brother Yvan”(Herbots) x “Inbred Axl” (Hebberecht)
Won 9 prizes
1st Vervins against 243b. (94km)
5th Vervins against 237b. (94km)
7th St. Soupplets against 419b. (208km)
11th St. Soupplets against 797b. (208km)
28th St. Soupplets against 833b. (208km)
Is a half-brother, same father, to “Olympic Sweet Velvet” won: 2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021) - Oradea1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB old birds ‘218 x 1st prize against average 943b.2 x 2nd prize – 3 x 3rd prize – 2 x 4th prize – 1 x 5th prize46th National Tulle
Is a half-brother, same mother, to winners of:24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b.1/319b. 1/243b. 2/427b. 2/3,461b. 4/1,736b. 6/2,452b.
Father: “Athos” B18-2120283Born out “Clyde 018” (original Deno- Herbots) x “Barbara”
Mother: “PEC 375” B19-4184375 – original PECIs a full sister to 4th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 9th, 10th, 12th and 18th National winnersBorn out “Brother 1st Nat. Limoges” x “Golden Boxter”
Won - no doubles :
5th St. Soupplets against 3,461b. (208km)
9th St. Soupplets against 873b. (208km)
12th Soissons against 1,057b. (150km)
29th St. Soupplets against 1,139b. (208km)
Is mother to:“095-24”: 1st/383b. 4th/418b. 6th/311b. 3rd/99b.“040-22”: 8th Nat. (z) Sancoins 4,894b. 12th Bourges 1,082b.
Is a full sister to“044-21”: 1st Prov. ace short distance KBDB 2022“132-20”: 1st/542b. 3rd/1,932b. 3rd/770b. 8th/3,461b.13th/1,363b. And so on
Father: “B19-2092148”Son of base breeder “Clyde 018” (original Deno-Herbots)
Mother: “Olympic Blue Velvet” B18-2120173Won: 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020)4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 20211st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 20193rd Prov. ace KBDB Short Distance 20183rd Prov. ace KBDB Middle Distance 20205 x 1st prize – 15 x Top-10 positionBorn out “Beauty Marcel” (original Wouters Marcel) x “Rudy Gina” (Vandenabeele x Deno-Herbots)
Inbred “Father Olympic Blue Velvet” x “Olympic Blue Velvet”“Olympic Blue Velvet” B18-2120173Won: 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020)4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 20211st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 20193rd Prov. ace KBDB Short Distance 20183rd Prov. ace KBDB Middle Distance 20205 x 1st prize – 15 x Top-10 position
Is also a half-sister, same father, to “Bourges Girl”: 24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1st St. Soupplets 319b. 2nd St. Soupplets 3,461b. 2nd St. Soupplets 1,364b. 2nd Soissons 427b. 3rd Soissons 1,057b. 4th Orleans 1,736b. 4th St. Soupplets 580b. 6th Melun 2,452b. 9th St. Soupplets 961b. 9th St. Soupplets 770b. And so on“Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Father: “Beauty Marcel” B17-6149216 – original Wouters MarcelBorn out “Son Bourges” x “Daughter De Leeuw”
Mother: “Olympic Blue Velvet” B18-2120173All information see aboveBorn out “Beauty Marcel” (all info see above) x “Rudy Gina” (Vandenabeele x Gina’s Girl”)
Is mother to “114-24”, winner of:3rd St. Soupplets 383b. 9th St. Soupplets 418b.
Won – no doubles - 33 prizes – 23 x 1/10 - 11 x 1/100
24th Nat. Bourges against 7,606b. (424km)
1st St. Soupplets against 319b. (208km)
2nd Soissons against 427b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 3,461b. (208km)
2nd Soissons against 1,364b. (161km)
3rd Soissons against 1,057b. (161km)
4th Soissons against 580b. (150km)
4th Orleans against 1,736b. (348km)
6th Melun against 2,452b. (250km)
9th St. Soupplets against 961b. (208km)
53rd S-Nat. Vierzon against 5,486b. (411km)
Is a full sister to “Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Is a half-sister, same father, to “Olympic Blue Velvet” : 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020) 4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 2021 1st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019
Father: “Beauty Marcel” B17-6149216 – original Wouters Marcel
Born out “Son Bourges” x “Daughter De Leeuw”
Mother: “PEC 375” B19-4184375 – original PECIs a full sister to: 4th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 9th, 10th, 12th and 18th National winnersBorn out “Brother 1st Nat. Limoges” x “Golden Boxter”
Won – no doubles - 20 prizes – 11 x 1/10
2nd Sancoins against 902b. (434km)
6th Nat.(z) against 1,546b.
58th Nat. against 9,753b.
1st Nevers against 152b. (415km)
46th Semi-Nat. against 7,050b.
15th Soissons against 1,092b. (150km)
36th Soissons against 1,512b. (150km)
36th St. Soupplets against 1,459b. (208km)
Is a full brother to “Bourges Girl”: 24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1st St. Soupplets 319b. 2nd St. Soupplets 3,461b. 2nd St. Soupplets 1,364b. 2nd Soissons 427b. 3rd Soissons 1,057b. 4th Orleans 1,736b. 4th St. Soupplets 580b. 6th Melun 2,452b. 9th St. Soupplets 961b.9th St. Soupplets 770b. And so on“Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Is a half-brother, same father, to “Olympic Blue Velvet” : 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020) 4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 2021 1st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019
Is a full sister to “Olympic Blue Velvet” B18-2120173Winner of: 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020)4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 20211st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 20193rd Prov. ace KBDB Short Distance 20183rd Prov. ace KBDB Middle Distance 20205 x 1st prize – 15 x Top-10 position
Is a half-sister, same father, to “Bourges Girl”:24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1st St. Soupplets 319b. 2nd St. Soupplets 3,461b. 2nd St. Soupplets 1,364b. 2nd Soissons 427b. 3rd Soissons 1,057b. 4th Orleans 1,736b. 4th St. Soupplets 580b. 6th Melun 2,452b. 9th St. Soupplets 961b. 9th St. Soupplets 770b. And so on“Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Mother: “Rudy Gina” B16-2299698Born out “Rudy Star” (son 1st Nat. ace KBDB “Rudy” – Gaby Vandenabeele) x “Gina’s Girl” (daughter 1st Nat. ace KBDB “Gino” – Deno Herbots)
Is father to winners of:From St. Soupplets: 1/520b. 2/383b.2/855b. 2/520b. 4/571b. 5/285b. And so onAnd also 4th Lorris 880b.
Is a full brother to “Olympic Blue Velvet”, winner of:2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020) 4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 2021 1st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019
Is a half-brother, same father, to “Bourges Girl”: 24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1st St. Soupplets 319b. 2nd St. Soupplets 3,461b.2nd St. Soupplets 1,364b. 2nd Soissons 427b. 3rd Soissons 1,057b. 4th Orleans 1,736b. 4th St. Soupplets 580b. 6th Melun 2,452b. 9th St. Soupplets 961b. 9th St. Soupplets 770b. And so on“Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Proven breeder – is father to winners of (no doubles)1/476b. – 2/478b. – 4/1,301b. – 4/1,352b. – 4/1,191b. – 4/502b. – 4/194b. – 7/2,335b. – 7/588b. – 8/2,452b. – 8/1,162b. – 8/799b. - 15/4,894b. – 16/1,057b. – 16/2,380b. – 21/3,461b. – 22/3,291b. – 30/1,652b. - 47/7,050b. - and so on
Is a half-brother, same father, to “Olympic Blue Velvet” : 2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020) 4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 2021 1st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019“Bourges Girl”: 24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1/319b. 2/3,461b. 2/1,364b. 2/427b. 3/1,057b. 4/1,736b. 4/580b. 6/2,452b. 9/961b. 9/770b. And so on“Sancoins Boy”: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Is a half-brother, same mother, to:“To Wait For”: Won 6th and 17th Nat. ace KBDB“Athos”: Is father to “Olympic Sweet Velvet”, winner of:2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021)1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance 20209th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB ‘21
Father: “Beauty Marcel” B17-6149216 – original Wouters M.Grandson “Den Bourges” and “De Leeuw”
Mother: “Barbara” B11-2138275 – original AT Breeding LoftBorn out “Yvano” x “Gold Elizabeth”
Won: Co-winner 1st Nat. Championship ½ Fond KBDB 20221st Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond yearbirds ‘224th Prov. ace KBDB short distance youngbirds ‘2110th National ace KBDB Middle Distance yearbirds ‘22
Won – no doubles - 43 prizes – 29 x 1/10 - 12 x 1/100
1st Brive against 91b. (646km)
5th Nat.(z) against 1,130b.
64th Nat. against 3,949b.
1st St. Soupplets against 428b. (208km)
3rd Combine against 1,162b.
1st Toury against 146b. (323km)
9th Combine against 2,048b.
1st Toury against 144b. (323km)
2nd Combine against 538b.
1st Toury against 52b. (323km)
2nd Combine against 392b.
2nd St. Soupplets against 1,301b. (208km)
3rd Toury against 714b. (323km)
3rd Toury against 2,191b. (323km)
3rd Soissons against 286b. (150km)
4rd Melun against 588b. (250km)
5th St. Soupplets against 597b. (208km)
5th Toury against 464b. (323km)
6th Prov. Argenton against 1,066b. (492km)
6th Soissons against 418b. (150km)
7th Limoges against 189b. (611km)
9th Orleans against 2,335b. (348km)
Born out “Porthos” (son “Clyde 018” x “Barbara”) x “Rury” (5th Prov. ace KBDB)
Won – no doubles - 24 prizes – 14 x 1/10
1st Soissons against 275b. (150km)
5th Combine against 1,459b.
3rd St. Soupplets against 206b. (208km)
3rd St. Soupplets against 108b. (208km)
4th St. Soupplets against 197b. (208km)
5th Melun against 239b. (250km)
8th St. Soupplets against 280b. (208km)
10th Guise against 112b. (97km)
11th Soissons against 961b. (150km)
16th Soissons against 1,512b. (150km)
Is a half-sister, same father, to “Arya”, winner of: Co-winner 1st Nat. Championship ½ Fond KBDB 20221st Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond yearbirds ‘224th Prov. ace KBDB short distance youngbirds ‘2110th National ace KBDB Middle Distance yearbirds ‘2243 x prize – 29 x 1/10
Father: “Portos” B16-2299687Son base pair “Clyde 018” x “Barbara”
Mother: “Blue Velvet Inbreed” B19-2142870Daughter Olympiad bird “Olympic Blue Velvet” x her father “Beauty Marcel”
Won – no doubles - 17 prizes – 15 x 1/10
1st St. Soupplets against 1.364b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 942b. (208km)
5th Soissons against 111b. (150km)
6th Soissons against 136b. (150km)
8th St. Soupplets against 231b. (208km)
11th St. Soupplets against 818b. (208km)
27th Soissons against 1,057b. (161km)
30th St. Soupplets against 3,461b. (208km)
Is father to: 1st Interprovincial Vierzon 5,486b.3rd Sancoins 1,041b.
Is a half-brother, same mother, to winners of:12th Nat. Valence 54th Nat. Bourges 28,446b. 61st Nat. Tulle 4,185b. 95th Nat Valence 6,089b.1st St Soupplets 1,364b. 1st St. Soupplets 942b.3rd Argenton 3,246b. 4th Sancoins 497b. And so on
Father: “Grandson De Leeuw” B16-6032866- original Wouters MarcelIs a grandson of 4th Nat. ace KBDB and 1st Ace Europacup “Kanon” (Danny Van Dyck) x “B12-6157214” (grandmother to Olympiad bird “Olympic Blue Velvet”)
Mother: “Sister 222” B17-2150222
6th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’15 14th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’2014th Nat. ace Short Distance KBDB ‘1614th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ’16 17th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘14
Born out “Clyde 018” x “Barbara”
Proven champion breeder!Is mother to:3rd Provincial ace KBDB Short Distance 20221st Interprov. Argenton 1,497b. 1st Interprov. St. Soupplets 1,459b.1st Soissons 543b.3rd Soissons 1,697b. 3rd St. Soupplets 845b. 5th St. Soupplets 1,316b. 6th St. Soupplets 354b.13th Soissons 1,801b. 16th Iprov. Sancoins 2,524b.And so on
Father: “Le Gold” B06-1511976Bred in 2 generations:9th National Marseille1st, 3 x 2nd and 10 x 3rd Provincial ace KBDBStrain: Hebberecht Chris (1st Nat. ace KBDB “Axl”) x Nouwen-Paesen (1st Internat. Marseille)
Mother: “Half-sister Tijger” B17-6149067- original Wouters MarcelIs a half-sister of “Tijger”: 11th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond 2015Double grandson of Olympiad bird and 1st National ace KBDB “Den Ad”
Won – no doubles - 27 prizes – 14 x 1/10
5th Limoges against 189b. (611km)
85th Nat. Limoges against 6,889b.
7th Vierzon against 189b. (411km)
7th St. Soupplets against 136b. (208km)
11th St. Soupplets against 134b. (208km)
13th Prov. La Souterraine against 426b. (532km)
15th Prov. Tulle against 423b. (596km)
Is a half-sister, same father, to:“La Cassée”: 43 prizes – 19 x 1/10 105th Nat. Gueret 12,208b.“121-Power”: 21 prizes – 15 x 1/10 1st St. Soupplets 1,413b.42nd Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 1st Bourges And so onWinner of 22nd Nat. ace KBDB Fond 2022
Father: “Bi Ad” B16-6076517 – original Wouters MarcelIs father to above noted toppersIs grandfather to 1st National Argenton 17,210b.Is a double grandson of national ace KBDB and Olympiad bird “Den Ad”
Mother: “B17-2150229”Is a half-sister to winners of:4th National ace KBDB short distance 202020th National ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 2022Born out “To Wait For” (6th and 17th Nat. KBDB ace winner) x “Gold 745”(mother 2nd Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond)
1st Sancoins against 198b. (434km)
5th Nat.(z) against 1,546b.
42th Nat. against 9,753b.
1st St. Soupplets against 1,413b. (208km)
1st Bourges against 105b. (443km)
12th Prov. against 624b.
3rd St. Soupplets against 504b. (208km)
3rd St. Soupplets against 262b. (208km)
4th St. Soupplets against 372b. (208km)
7th Vervins against 439b. (94km)
8th Melun against 126b. (250km)
Is a half-brother, same father, to:“La Cassée”: 43 prizes – 19 x 1/10 105th Nat. Gueret 12,208b.“055-Lady”: 27 prizes – 14 x 1/10 85th Nat. Limoges 6,889b.Winner of 22nd Nat. ace KBDB Fond 2022Is a half-brother, same mother, to:Winner of:19th Nat. ace KBDB Short Distance 2022 1st/600b.1st/425b. 1st/194b. 1st/119b. 2nd/1,697b.2nd/1,459b.2nd/801b. 2nd/281b. 7th/1,218b. And so on
Father: “Bi Ad” B16-6076517 – original Wouters MarcelIs grandfather to: 1st National Argenton 17,210b.Is a double grandson of national ace KBDB and Olympiad bird “Den Ad”
Mother: “Barbara 317” B16-2298317Is a full sister to: 6th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’15 14th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’20 14th Nat. ace Short Distance KBDB ‘1614th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ’16 17th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘14 Born out “Clyde 018” x “Barbara”
Won – no doubles - 43 prizes – 19 x 1/10
3rd Gueret against 108b. (529km)
105th Nat. Gueret against 12,208b.
7th Bourges against 138b. (411km)
8th Toury against 455b. (323km)
9th Argenton against 189b. (492km)
11th Soissons against 685b. (150km)
12th Soissons against 258b. (150km)
18th Toury against 464b. (323km)
Is a full sister to: 22nd National ace KBDB Fond 2022
Is a half-sister, same father, to:“055-Lady”: 27 prizes – 14 x 1/10 85th Nat. Limoges 6,889b.“121-Power”: 21 prizes – 15 x 1/10 1st St. Soupplets 1,413b.42nd Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. 1st Bourges And so on
Father: “Bi Ad” B16-6076517 – original Wouters MarcelIs father to above noted toppersIs grandfather to: 1st National Argenton 17,210b.Is a double grandson of national ace KBDB and Olympiad bird “Den Ad”
Mother: “Cees 230” B17-2150230Won: 6th Provincial ace KBDB ½ Fond ‘1895th Nat. Aurillac 3,886b. 2nd Nevers 353b.3rd La Ferté 1,583b. 7th Orleans 448b. 9th Toury 1,891b. And so on
Attention:As the name suggests the breastbone of this hen is broken
Zoals de naam suggereert het borstbeen van deze duivin is gebroken
Comme le nom l'indique, le sternum de cette femelle est cassé.
Won – no doubles - 19 prizes – 8 x 1/10
1st St. Soupplets against 476b. (208km)
2nd Nevers against 152b. (429km)
47th I.Prov. against 7,050b.
9th Prov. Sancoins against 1,724b. (434km)
8th Argenton against 154b. (492km)
68th Nat.(z) against 2,160b.
8th Chateauroux against 106b. (459km)
Father: “Beauty Yvano” B19-2142832Proven breeder – is father to several top winning birdsIs a half-brother, same father, to: Olympiad bird “Olympic Blue Velvet” “Bourges Girl” (won 24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. – 1/319b. – 2/3,461b. – 2/1,364b. – 2/427b. – 3/1,057b. – 4/1,736b. – 4/580b. - 6/2,452b. – 9/961b. – 9/770b. – and so on) “Sancoins Boy”: (won: 58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b. – 46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.)Is a half-brother, same mother, to: “To Wait For”: won 6th and 17th Nat. ace KBDB “Athos”: is father to Olympiad bird “Olympic Sweet Velvet”
Mother: “Marceline” B17-2115929Won: 3rd Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond ’18 and ‘19Won (no doubles): 1/1,083b. 1/612b. 1/442b. 1/251b. 1/228b. 2/1,184b. 2/233b. 2/402b. 4/497b. 8/1,891b.
Won – no doubles - 24 prizes – 16 x 1/10
2nd Melun against 1,601b. (250km)
3rd Argenton against 189b. (492km)
4th St Soupplets against 1,895b. (208km)
5th St. Soupplets against 243b. (208km)
8th Toury against 464b. (323km)
9th St. Soupplets against 656b. (208km)
10th Soissons against 418b. (150km)
20th I.Prov. Vierzon against 5,486b. (411km)
25th St. Soupplets against 1,316b. (208km)
31st St. Soupplets against 1,447b. (208km)
Is at Vandenberghe Alain mother to winner of:27th National Tulle 5,751b.
Father: “Brother Blue Velvet” B19-2142858Is a full brother to “Olympic Blue Velvet”, winner of:2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020)4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 20211st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 20193rd Prov. ace KBDB Short Distance 20183rd Prov. ace KBDB Middle Distance 20205 x 1st prize – 15 x Top-10 positionBorn out “Beauty Marcel” (original Wouters Marcel) x “Rudy Gina” (Vandenabeele x Deno-Herbots)
Mother: “La Bourges 17” B17-2115959Won: 1st Bourges 361b. 6th Nanteuil 217b. 10th Chateauroux 1,370b. 13th La Ferté 1,096b. And so onIs mother to several top winning birdsIs a full sister to 20th Nat. ace KBDB GMD 2022Born out top pair “To Wait For” x “Gold 930”
Won – no doubles - 19 prizes – 6 x 1/10
3rd Sancoins against 352b. (434km)
8th I.Prov. against 4,894b.
5th Bourges against 105b. (443km)
29th Prov. against 614b.
17th St. Soupplets against 372b. (208km)
28th Gien against 1,082b. (349km)
34th St. Soupplets against 571b. (208km)
59th St. Soupplets against 805b. (208km)
Is a half-sister, same mother, to: “095-24”: 1st/383b. 4th/418b.6th/311b. 3rd/99b.
Father: “B21-2135911”Is a full brother to winners of: 9th Nat. Bourges 7,606b. 1st/2,401b. 1st/2,380b. 1st/1,022b. 2nd/1,895b.2nd/340b. 3rd/743b. 4th/1,149b. 4th/1,057b. 4th/612b. 7th/980b. 8th/416b. 11th/1,057b. And so onBorn out “Porsche RS” (son world-famous “Porsche 911”) x “White Beauty” (daughter “Beauty Marcel” x “Just For Luc”)
Mother: “Velvet 131” B20-2055131Won: 5th/3,461b. 9th/873b. 12th/1,057b. 29th/1,139b.Is a full sister to“044-21”: 1st Prov. ace short distance KBDB 2022“132-20”: 1st/542b. 3rd/1,932b. 3rd/770b. 8th/3,461b.13th/1,363b. And so on