Daughter “2nd Nat. Chateauroux” x “Best Chateauroux bird of Belgium ‘21”
Father: “Beer 908” B18-4045908
Won (no doubles) :
2nd National Chateauroux 7,099b.
4th Ecouen 486b.
23rd Nat (z) Chateauroux 5,679b.
5th Orleans 174b.
8th Toury 295b.
9th Melun 318b.
12th Noyon 291b.
15th Noyon 218b.
19th Melun 248b.
20th Melun 312b.
20th Noyon 235b.
26th Noyon 4,669b.
36th La Souterraine 1,251b.
40th Sermaises 1,010b.
52nd Ecouen 750b.
68th Vierzon 936b.
69th Bourges 7,663b.
74th Prov. Orleans 2,721b.
78th Gueret 2,123b.
84th Toury 1,038b.
96th Noyon 4,505b.
112th Nat. Argenton 10,632b.
And so on
Is a grandson “Kleine As 550”:
4th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond ‘10
Is a grandson “Lucky Junior”:
2nd Prov. ace Zeeland ‘12
Mother: “Louise” B20-4035478
Won (no doubles) :
Best Chateauroux bird of Belgium 2021 – Pipa Ranking
11th National ace KBDB Great Middle Distance ’21
7th National Chateauroux 10,317b.
4th Prov. Chateauroux 5,710b.
4th Sermaises 1,085b.
62nd Argenton 5,443b.
Born out “Lucky Junior” x “Lena 099”
“Lucky Junior” NL12-3205626 – original Comb. Traas – won:
2nd Prov. ace Zeeland ‘12
“Lena 099” B16-4040099
Won (no doubles):
And so on
Is also mother to “Louise II”:
1st Noyon 4,906b.
1st Toury 1,795b.