Is father to
1st Arlon 2,135b.
1st Chimay 9,460b.
2nd Arlon 649b.
and so on
6th NPO Vierzon 5,962b.
Is a half-brother, same father, to:
1st NPO Chateauroux 3,647b. - fastest 19,192b.
1st NPO Bourges 5,877b.
1st Sens 1,069b.
2nd Nat S4 Bourges 5,877b.
20th Nat S4 Chateauroux 3,647b.
4th Nat. ace long distance WHZB/TBOTB
2nd and 6th NPO winner
carwinner SAMDPR
2nd and 8th NPO winner
“Bert Junior”:
1st NPO Chateaudun
9th NPO Chateauroux
Is a half-brother, same mother, to:
3rd Rethel 4,692b.
5th Bourges 3,734b.
6th Chateauroux 2,566b.
1st Nat. ace Fondspiegel ‘11-‘13 Cat. E/F
and famous Koopman birds such as “Alawa”, “Albina”, “B. D’Argent”
Father: “Supercrack Rik” B05-6394218 – original Van Sande H.
1st Bourges
1st, 3rd and 3rd Montluçon (no doubles)
4th Limoges
Mother: “New Hope” NL07-1207604
Is mother to above noted toppers
Is grandmother to “Sifan” (1st NPO Sens 4,995b.)
Direct daughter “Golden Lady”, the mother of “Kleine Dirk”