Won – no doubles - 33 prizes – 23 x 1/10 - 11 x 1/100
24th Nat. Bourges against 7,606b. (424km)
1st St. Soupplets against 319b. (208km)
2nd Soissons against 427b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 3,461b. (208km)
2nd Soissons against 1,364b. (161km)
3rd Soissons against 1,057b. (161km)
4th Soissons against 580b. (150km)
4th Orleans against 1,736b. (348km)
6th Melun against 2,452b. (250km)
9th St. Soupplets against 961b. (208km)
53rd S-Nat. Vierzon against 5,486b. (411km)
And so on
Is a full sister to
“Sancoins Boy”:
58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b.
46th S-Nat. Vierzon 7,050b.
Is a half-sister, same father, to
“Olympic Blue Velvet” :
2nd Olympiad bird KBDB Cat. A 2022 (2019-2020)
4th Olympic Hope KBDB Cat A 2021
1st Prov. and 6th National ace ½ Fond KBDB 2019
Father: “Beauty Marcel” B17-6149216 – original Wouters Marcel
Born out “Son Bourges” x “Daughter De Leeuw”
Mother: “PEC 375” B19-4184375 – original PEC
Is a full sister to:
4th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance
9th, 10th, 12th and 18th National winners
Born out “Brother 1st Nat. Limoges” x “Golden Boxter”