Won 9 prizes
1st Vervins against 243b. (94km)
5th Vervins against 237b. (94km)
7th St. Soupplets against 419b. (208km)
11th St. Soupplets against 797b. (208km)
28th St. Soupplets against 833b. (208km)
Is a half-brother, same father, to
“Olympic Sweet Velvet” won:
2nd Olympiad bird Cat A KBDB 2022 (2020-2021) - Oradea
1st Provincial ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘20
9th National ace KBDB Short Distance KBDB old birds ‘21
8 x 1st prize against average 943b.
2 x 2nd prize – 3 x 3rd prize – 2 x 4th prize – 1 x 5th prize
46th National Tulle
Is a half-brother, same mother, to winners of:
24th Nat. Bourges 7,606b.
58th Nat. Sancoins 9,753b.
Father: “Athos” B18-2120283
Born out “Clyde 018” (original Deno- Herbots) x “Barbara”
Mother: “PEC 375” B19-4184375 – original PEC
Is a full sister to 4th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance
9th, 10th, 12th and 18th National winners
Born out “Brother 1st Nat. Limoges” x “Golden Boxter”