Is mother to winners of (no doubles):
And so on
Is a half-sister, same father, to winners of:
9th Nat. Bourges 7,606b.
1st St. Soupplets 2,401b.
1st Soissons 2,380b.
1st Toury 2,191b.
1st Soissons 1,057b.
1st St. Souplets 794b.
1st Toury 351b.
1st Toury 250b.
And so on
Father: “Porsche RS” B18-4194570 - original PEC
Is father to above noted toppers and also to winners of
2nd Soissons 2,738b.
2nd Issoudun 2,738b.
2nd St. Soupplets 693b.
2nd Toury 340b.
3rd Toury 743b.
4st Soissons 1,057b.
5th St. Souplets 740b.
6th Melun 1,599b.
7th Soissons 980b.
And so on
Direct son “Porsche 911” (B14-2230911 – 5th Nat. ace KBDB GMD) x his own daughter
Mother: “B20-4158482” – original PEC
Born out “Golden Prince” x “Boxter”
“Golden Prince” B13-3031767 won:
1st Nat. ace Fond KBDB 2014
3rd, 4th and 14th National winner
Is grandfather to 1st Nat. ace KBDB Fond ’17 and ‘18
“Boxter” B14-2230972 won:
8th Nat. ace KBDB Fond 2015
Full sister to “Porsche 911”