Won – no doubles:
1st Soissons against 312b. (150km)
3rd Soissons against 155b. (150km)
8th St. Soupplets against 600b. (208km)
Is a full brother to “049-Son To Wait For”, winner of:
47 prizes – 30 x 1/10
17th Nat. Tulle 4,982b.
2nd Bourges 308b.
2nd Chateauroux 207b.
3rd St. Soupplets 1,218b.
3rd Melun 436b.
6th St. Soupplets 475b.
6th Nanteuil 199b.
7th Toury 3,479b.
8th Orleans 1,736b.
17th Prov. Issoudun 2,732b.
And so on
Is a half-brother, same father, to:
“049-Son To Wait For”:
47 prizes 30 x 1/10 – 17th Nat. Tulle 4,982b.
2nd Best bird of Belgium on 7 and 8 national races (Pipa Ranking)
20th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 2022
4th Nat. ace short distance KBDB 2020
32 prizes – 29 x 1/10 - 4 x 1st prize
2nd and 3rd provincial ace bird winner
29 prizes – 23 x 1/10
Father: “To Wait For” B14-2229284
6th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ’15
17th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘14
Born out “Clyde 018” (Deno-Herbots – full brother 1st Nat. Argenton “Lola”) x “Barbara” (daughter “Yvano” x “Gold-Elisabeth-Harry”
Mother: “Just For Luc” B17-6024383 – original Geerinckx
Is mother to winners of:
17th Nat. Tulle 4,982b.
1st Soissons 312b.
3rd St. Soupplets 1,218b.
7th Toury 3,479b.
8th St. Soupplets 800b.
17th Issoudun 2,732b.
And so on
Is grandmother to:
9th National Bourges
Is great grandmother to:
1st Nat. Argenton 17,210b.
Is a full sister to “Queen James”:
5th Nat. ace Fond KBDB
5th, 41st, 59th and 100th Nat. winner
Born out “Luc” (1st Nat. Argenton 12,446b.) x “Just Wait”(1st National Argenton 16,363b.)