Co-winner 1st Nat. Championship ½ Fond KBDB 2022
5th Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond KBDB 2022
Won – no doubles - 38 prizes – 24 x 1/10
1st Toury against 340b. (323km)
2nd Soissons against 2,380b. (161km)
2nd Orleans against 1,736b. (348km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 741b. (208km)
3rd Melun against 1,599b. (250km)
3rd Bourges against 139b. (411km)
6th Soissons against 1,222b. (150km)
13th St. Soupplets against 770b. (208km)
14th Toury against 714b. (323km)
16th Toury against 2,191b. (323km)
16th St. Soupplets against 581b. (208km)
17th St. Soupplets against 3,461b. (208km)
18th St. Soupplets against 641b. (208km)
18th Melun against 436b. (250km)
19th Melun against 1,605b. (250km)
And so on
Is a full brother to “Red Barbara”:
Co-winner 1st Nat. Championship ½ Fond KBDB 2022
65th and 68th National winner
Won 35 prizes – 27 x in the first 10% – 9 x Top-10
Father: “B19-6075580” – original Marcel Wouters
Born out “To Wait For” (6th and 17th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ’14 and ’15)
Mother: “Aelbrecht 732” B13-2159732
Born out “Aelbrecht 200” (original Aelbrecht Marcel) x “Gold Elisabeth” (grandson “Axl” – Hebberecht Chris)