4th National ace KBDB short distance youngbirds
2nd Provincial ace short distance yearbirds KBDB 2021
3rd Provincial ace short distance old birds KBDB 2022
Won – no doubles - 32 prizes – 29 x 1/10 - 13 x 1/100
1st St. Soupplets against 1,125b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 770b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 299b. (208km)
2nd Combine against 1,132b.
1st St. Soupplets against 465b. (208km)
1st St. Soupplets against 231b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 1,218b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 2,401b. (208km)
2nd St. Soupplets against 961b. (208km)
2nd Melun against 311b. (250km)
4th St. Soupplets against 1,364b. (208km)
6th St. Soupplets against 314b. (208km)
7th Soissons against 1,149b. (161km)
7th St. Soupplets against 277b. (208km)
8th Soissons against 2,144b. (150km)
8th St. Soupplets against 656b. (208km)
8th St. Soupplets against 290b. (208km)
And so on
Is mother to winners of:
1st I-Prov. Vierzon 5,486b.
1st St. Soupplets 114b.
3rd St. Soupplets 171b.
And so on
Is a half-sister, same father, to
“049-Son To Wait For”:
47 prizes 30 x 1/10
17th Nat. Tulle 4,982b.
2nd Best bird of Belgium on 7 and 8 national races(Pipa Ranking)
20th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 2022
29 prizes – 23 x 1/10
Father: “To Wait For” B14-2229284 – original AT Breeding Loft
6th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ’15
17th Nat. ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘14
Mother: “B17-6259030” – original Wouters Marcel
Double granddaughter 1st Nat. ace KBDB and Olympiad bird “Den Ad”