Hok Bommerez from Heverlee opens his treasure room

Hok Sapin from Incourt maintains its high level of National Ace pigeons and Olympiad pigeons

Haak-Soen (Moerbeke) strongholders in the great middle distance

Jos Joosen (Brecht) wins glorious national ace pigeon KBDB Rhone Valley races 2022 !

Johan Den Hartog & Son from Culemborg breed Ace pigeons year after year

Widow Delbar-Raevens (Kluisbergen) wins 1st National ace KBDB Marathon 2022

Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam shines in 2022 thanks to “Super breeder 564” and “Kaasboer Gold”

Carlos & Xavier Vandemeulebroecke (Saint-Leger) : when top prices are a tradition !

Eddy Cardon (Deerlijk) National champion KBDB marathon 2022

Marsille Hadrien - AT Breeding Loft (Ophain) 1st National champion middle-distance KBDB old and yearlings

Jos Das from Lummen and his fantastic breeding line "Senne"

Jos Das from Lummen and his fantastic breeding line “Tom 231”

The high class of the Franks Zwiers marathon birds.

The successful OLR ambitions of Bas Weijers

Veulemans – Perilleux from Visseraken and their Platinum Pair

Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam shines in 2022 thanks to “Super breeder 564” and “Kaasboer Gold”

Exclusive Pigeon Targeted investment in top birds

Pollin Marc and Geert (Snellegem) 1st National Champion KBDB long-distance yearling 2022 2nd National Champion KBDB middle distance old 2022

Rino Verheye from Aalbeke has had a super season in 2022

Sabrina Brugmans from Halen continues at his high level

Jos Das from Lummen will have his best season of his career in 2022

Feest bij de Belgische Verstandhouding “Kampioen zijn is plezant” !

Jan Vandepasch & Daughter from Grubbevorst – 1ST National Ace Pigeon Sprint NPO 2022